









Are you ready for studying abroad?

What is the most important thing that we should not miss when we are abroad?

Why can’t we communicate with native speakers very well regardless of the large number of English words we have memorized?

How do we enlarge our friend circle in foreign countries?

Interest in music and sports?

How do we participate in volunteer work?

How can we get a satisfying internship?

Tips for life abroad. You name it; we have it!

RCF senior three sharing session: RCF teacher representatives are here to share their overseas experience with us!


On March 27th, Ms. Mavis Zhang and Mr. Evan Peng shared their overseas experience to senior three students on the sharing session “Studying Abroad, Are You Ready”.


First,let’s listen to what Ms. Mavis Zhang had shared to us that won rounds of applause.

张丽坤老师,师从于首都师范大学女高音歌唱家樊其光副教授,之后在Syracuse University雪城大学攻读声乐表演硕士学位。

Ms.Mavis Zhang holds a bachelor’s degree from Capital Normal University, studying with professor Qiguang Fan, who furthered the study on vocal performance in Syracuse University.


As soon as Ms. Mavis Zhang started her presentation,students were attracted by the elaborate PowerPoint which focused on important activities that students would need to attend.


Ms. Mavis Zhang told that, “Through my photos of Halloween parties and wedding, we can see that there are many activities in universities that we could not possibly imagine here. By attending these events, you can learn about life there and make new friends.  


Activities that we need to participate in:


1. Orientation (especially the international studentscenter).

The orientation talks about important information for new entrants, for example how to apply for a student ID card and how to reapply one if you accidently lose it. Ms. Mavis Zhang mentioned that student ID card is very important. Students are frequently asked to show their ID card wherever they go on campus, and there would be some discount when they purchase on campus.

2、第二项要参加的是中国留学生会组织的一些活动。这个组织对将来一定会有帮助,所以去学校前先看看能否入会,方便在校生更亲密的零距离的沟通。在张老师展示的PPT上,他们都会在不同的季节举办不同的活动,比如滑雪,湖边烧烤等等,让我们不禁跃跃欲试... 张老师还告诉我们,有当地驾照会是一件美事儿,在美国驾照可以是身份证的替代品,而且如果有驾照,即使没有车,也可以驾车行走四方,因为可以租车,或者开同学的车,但前提是要会这项技能。张老师建议大家利用暑假去学习驾照,到美国再参加美国的驾校的考试,具体内容查看当地DMV网页就可以的。

2. PRCSU (People’s Republic of China Students’Union).

Before we go to the university, it is beneficial for us to see if we can join in the students’ union since we can have closer communication with other undergraduate students in universities. Ms. MavisZhang showed some of the activities they held, such as skiing and BBQ. She also pointed out that driver license is really useful because, in US, it can even replace your ID card. Moreover, as long as you have a driver license, even if you don’t have a car, you can still drive a car since you can rent one or drive your friend’s car. Thus, Ms. Mavis Zhang suggested us to learn driving during summer vacation and then take the exam in the US. For further information of obtaining a driver license, please visit the US DMV website.


3. Concerts, exhibitions and competitions.

Every university has their school of music, so there are many opportunities for students to go to concerts. There are also many different concert halls locally. If there is a local theater, please go to the concert for at least once because it will be a wonderful experience. There are even more art exhibitions. Sometimes, an ordinary floor may be full of art pieces by famous painters. Since American universities value sports so much,there will be many sports competition in universities.


4. Graduation ceremony.

Foreigners value graduation ceremony very much. It is really an unwise idea that many Chinese students do not attend it because it is one of the most unforgettable events in our life. Foreign students usually string their honors around their necks to show their achievements, and they would make their trencher’s cap very unique. Graduation ceremony help us release our pressure after studying hard for so many years, and it also makes our parentsand friends feel proud of ourselves for our graduation.


At the end, Ms. Mavis Zhang said, “Treasure your life and stay away from drugs! In a foreign country, we must know what we can do what we must not do. Never try anything that we cannot take responsibility of.


Mr. Evan Peng talks about British studying experience.


Mr. Evan Peng holds a master degree in media management in University of Westminster. He had worked in the media industry for many years.


Mr. Evan Peng said, “Roads that I walked on, books I read and people I met all form my life.” Mr. Evan Peng led us to view the world and write poems with his life experience.



Mr. Evan Peng told us that it is necessary for us to be curious. The useful things are those that we have experienced. He encourages us to travel with our curiosity to feel the beauty of the world.Whether it is a national museum or former residences of celebrities, they are all the windows to open the world. As we view more, experience more, we would be able to think and analyze independently and critically.  



Communicate with people from all over the world.

Through communications, we are able to integrate into a new culture. As we are accepting cultural difference, we can understand the world better and even understand ourselves better. This is the meaning of growing up.



Record your life with words and photos.

Appreciate beauty and love caused by distance in our own perspectives. These beauty and love help us reach the peace in our heart and feel the nature of our life.


Mr. Evan Peng said, “The most valuable thing he learnt from studying abroad is that he saw the diversity of the world and he learnt to be more to lerant.


After listening to the sharing session, students felt a longing for more tips and stories. Don’t worry. Let’s look forward to presentations by Ms. Erin Yang, Mr. Sean Wang, Ms. Carmen Song and Mr. Joey Lv to share their overseas experience in the following months.

编辑:郭子锐 Bill Guo 朴浩然 Della Piao  

摄像:王京 Mr. Wang

新闻稿指导:韩惠光 Ms.Han 王明月 Ms.Madelyn




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